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Contrast vinyl fence panels with wood?

Views: 5     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-09-29      Origin: Site


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Wooden fence boards are a lot of fence boards used in the past. Vinyl fence panels are widely used in a wide range of fence boards. Many vinyl fences have been used in the past. Why? Next, we will introduce the advantages of vinyl fence panels over wooden fence panels.


Advantages of vinyl fence panels:

Easy to install

More durable in bad weather

Longer use is more economical

Will not be corroded

Provide more privacy

Will not be deformed


Easy to install

Installing a vinyl fence panel only requires you to do it yourself on weekends, does not require a lot of preparation, and requires almost no tools. You only need to pre-cut each item you need in the package, and you don't need extra nails like wood. Wood can also be pre-cut, but still requires the proper tools to handle the installation. Therefore, this work is challenging, and most people will choose professional staff to install wooden fences.


Vinyl requires some handyman skills. If you don't feel very good, you can also handle the installation by a professional. But it will be cheaper because the process is much shorter. Since the grooves and U-shaped channels of the vinyl are essentially like life-size toy blocks, no cutting and additional measurements are required.



More durable in bad weather


Poor lifting can cause you a lot of trouble and cause your yard maintenance costs to be unpredictable. The use of vinyl fences avoids high maintenance costs and is more robust than wooden fences. If the wooden fence is not properly installed, you may find yourself picking up debris around the yard after the storm. Constant gusts can also reshape the wood, which can cause the wood to move or tilt into the neighbor's yard.



Longer use is more economical


Vinyl fence materials are initially more expensive than wood, but the cost of wood fences for later repairs can be very high. If you want to keep your wooden fence at its best, you need to dye every year. However, the vinyl material has almost only the initial installation cost, it requires almost no maintenance, can maintain its original appearance, and saves time and effort. Therefore, long-term use will save a lot of money than the wooden fence, but also save time.



Will not be corroded

Delignification occurs when wood is exposed to moisture for extended periods of time. The organization began to split, causing the wood to lose its strength. The brine accelerated the process. Wood-drilled beetles are another common problem with wooden fences. They passed through the wood and placed the eggs in the wood. When the larvae hatch, they eat on the wood, causing the wood structure to weaken.


However, vinyl fences do not attract insects, are not soaked by salt water, and do not fade due to sun exposure.



Provide more privacy

The vinyl fence panel is very durable and the sound insulation is very good. It can isolate the noise caused by neighbors for a long time, and can also maintain your privacy for a long time. At this time, the wooden fence is impossible to reach.



Will not be deformed


A harsh climate can make your wood easier to warp. You can treat the wood to make it look rustic, but its intensity will decrease over time.


The vinyl fence is different. It lasts longer and retains its original shape. Its strength comes from its flexibility. It swells when exposed to the sun, and restores its shape after cooling. But under the same temperature fluctuations, the wood will begin to chip and lose its strength.



Through this article, I believe that everyone already knows the advantages of vinyl fences relative to wooden fences. It will also be selected according to your specific needs. Of course, if you have any questions, you can always ask, we will have someone to answer for you.






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