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How to install vinyl mailbox?

Views: 16     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-03-02      Origin: Site


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The currently popular decorative materials for vinyl can be used in many places and are very popular among the market. Similarly, vinyl mailboxes, as a part of garden accents, are used in many ways.

However, not all vinyl fence brands are the same. You should be aware that poor quality vinyl is susceptible to exposure to high UV and extreme temperatures, which makes it brittle and causes early cracking. Only good quality vinyl materials are durable.

What is included in the vinyl mailbox installation?

Open the vinyl mailbox package you purchased

Digging holes and preparing concrete

Set up columns and fill holes with prepared concrete mix

Mount the vinyl mailbox to the post

To help you understand how to install a vinyl mailbox post, here are the main steps you should take before mining a vinyl mailbox vulnerability:

Step 1: Contact your local post office to find out the correct vinyl mailbox placement rules and available sizes in case you don't meet the requirements after installation and reinstall. Typical post vinyl mailbox heights are typically between 40" and 44" above the ground. Typical vinyl mailbox settings are usually between 6" and 8" on the roadside. Be sure to contact your local post office, as the vinyl mailbox placement requirements vary from place to place.

Step 2: Anti-wear - Always wear appropriate safety goggles and gloves during the vinyl mailbox installation process. Make sure that the excavation area is safe so that others outside your living are not hurt.

Step 3: Make sure the hole is deep enough - Use a clamshell excavator to dig a hole that is at least two feet deep from the 8" to 10" vinyl mailbox column (or you can rent a rear hole excavator (auger) with a pneumatic From local equipment rental sites.

Place the vinyl mailbox post into the hole with the mounting end facing up. Orient the surface of the post toward the direction you want to install the vinyl mailbox door or vinyl mailbox.

Attach a rope or rope of the appropriate size and length to the top of the vinyl mailbox post and project each rope in four equidistant directions. Secure each end with a tent pile.

After setting the rod, the concrete is poured into the hole. Concrete should not be too thin. Don't rush to fill the hole, as long as the concrete can make the vinyl mailbox column vertical (vertical horizontal), not so much that you can't move the column.

Allow the cement to stand for about 25-30 minutes.

Use the tool to detect vinyl mailbox posts and make sure the posts are completely perpendicular to the ground below. If the column is found to be not very vertical, you can adjust the tension on the rope to hold the vinyl mailbox post in the desired position. Once set, choose one of two alternatives:

(a) Fill the remainder of the hole with cement and smooth the top of the cement with cement to give it a concrete appearance;

(b) or fill the rest of the vinyl mailbox post hole, except for the last four inches. The top four inches are then backfilled with topsoil and/or turf to cover the underlying concrete. Keep in mind that this will result in constant weeding around the post.

For best results, wait at least 24 hours before removing the ropes and tent piles. Of course, for the sake of solidity, you can wait a few more days.

In the end, you only need to fix the vinyl mailbox on the vinyl. This installation process is also very interesting if you are not very anxious to use. If you have other questions you don't understand, you are welcome to consult us.






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