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4 easy ways to clean vinyl fences

Views: 2     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2019-08-16      Origin: Site


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Many people's homes should be equipped with a variety of fences. I believe that everyone will choose the most suitable for their own before installation. I think the vinyl fence must be a fence that fits well in any courtyard. They are very versatile and give you lots of choices. It may have a lot of investment in the early stage, but it is simple to install, does not require painting, and can be used for many years without maintenance and replacement, which means that the total cost is very low. But vinyl fences, like any outdoor furniture, can get dirty. Fortunately, unlike many other types of materials, semi-private vinyl fences are very easy to clean. Here are some simple ways to help you clean it.


Four methods:

—  Use a hose to spray the fence for cleaning

—  Wipe with a magic eraser

—  Clean with a simple cleaning solution

—  Wash with a special cleaning agent or bleach


Use a hose to spray the fence for cleaning

Some dirt is simply present on the surface of the semi-private vinyl fence, it may be easy to remove, but you don't want to wipe it by hand. Then use a hose to spray the fence for cleaning will be very suitable for you. However, if you rub any kind of stains, you need to spray the hose first. It removes any loose dust or debris and causes minimal damage to your fence. If there is some slightly thicker dirt, the hose spray may not be as easy to clean. You can try using a high pressure nozzle.


Wipe with a magic eraser

You may suspect the eraser? After all, the eraser is in our cognition, just something used to erase the pencil. But if you try to wipe the vinyl fence with it, you will find this very simple and convenient. It removes simple dirt, dust and general garden pollution and saves you a lot of time than using other methods. When you use it, you will find the magic of the magic eraser.


Clean with a simple cleaning solution

When you clean vinyl fence panels, you may find that some of the cracks in the cracks are not easily removed. Because dirt is stuck in the slit, it is not difficult to remove, just because it is stuck. Then at this time, you only need to mix a small amount of soap with a bucket of warm water, stir the warm water quickly, and know that it is foamy. Then you scrub with some old towels or a soft cloth and you will find it easy to remove. But there may be some stubborn stains, so you can try scrubbing with a non-abrasive scrubber.


Wash with a special cleaning agent or bleach

There are some stubborn stains that may exist for a long time. It is already very hard, so try using bleach. You can try adding bleach to every five servings of water, stir evenly, and then wipe the vinyl fence with a soft cloth. But be sure to wear rubber gloves to protect your hands during this process. This basic can remove all the stains.


But some iron and mold cannot be excluded. For rust or something, you can choose to use a special cleaner, go to a professional store or choose to buy online. For other hard-to-remove stains, try using a xylene cleaner. This will solve almost any problem.


The cleaning of the semi-private vinyl fence is easy. I hope the four simple methods in this article will help you. Of course, if you want to buy a vinyl fence, please contact us.






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